How I Learned to Hug is yet another masterfully crafted show by Jon Bennett, where he delves into the complex realms of love, loss, sex, and human connection. Set against the surreal backdrop of being detained as a suspected terrorist in the Montreal Airport by a security guard named "Karen".
Bennett weaves his story with his signature mix of humour, absurdity, and raw emotion. As the story unfolds, it becomes less of a love story and more of a reflection on how relationships and experiences shape our ability to connect with others on an emotional level—even something as seemingly simple as learning to hug.
The show has earned widespread acclaim and multiple awards, including Best Comedy at the San Diego Fringe (2018) and nominations for the Just for Laughs Award for Best Comedy (Montreal, 2014) and the Best Comedy Award at Perth Fringe World (2015). Bennett’s ability to combine hilarious observations with poignant personal revelations has made How I Learned to Hug a standout in his collection of storytelling shows.
Audiences and critics alike have praised Bennett's unique storytelling style, highlighting his capacity to blend humor with emotional depth. The show’s glowing reviews emphasize its ability to provoke both laughter and tears, with reviewers consistently acknowledging Bennett’s “masterful narrative skill” and “heart-warmingly honest” storytelling. With a mix of gut-busting humor and vulnerable sincerity, How I Learned to Hug showcases Bennett’s unparalleled ability to make the personal universal, leaving audiences moved, entertained, and contemplating their own journeys through love and human connection.
**Best Comedy Award Winner (San Diego Fringe, 2018)
**Tour Ready Award (New Zealand Fringe Festival, 2018)
**Best Comedy Award Nominee (Perth Fringe World, 2015)
**Just for Laughs Award nomination for Best Comedy (Montreal Fringe, 2014)
“It seems every year that we say Bennett’s show is a must-see and this year’s no different. He has skillfully built upon the foundation that previous shows establish and we are left with a unique blend of gut-busting laughter and emotional resonance in his wake. ★★★★★" - Theatre in London
"Bennett’s stories are as funny as they are heart-warmingly honest. You will laugh at the hilarious slide show he has prepared, but you will also tear up at the honesty he brings to the stage. ★★★★★" - National Post
"Storytelling genius. ★★★★★" - Edmonton Journal
“Laugh-out-loud bonkers! ★★★★★" - Otakuno Culture
"Bennet is an amazing storyteller. ★★★★½" - Vue Weekly
“The rumours are true – Bennett possesses a masterful narrative skill, taking us on a journey full of heartbreak, joy and a whole lot of dick jokes. He brings depth to the dumb stuff and levity to the heavy stuff, and is totally unafraid of revealing the most brutally personal details of his life story. ★★★★“ - SBS Television (Melbourne)
"While it’s true that everyone has a story, not everyone knows how to tell it. Bennett is a tremendously gifted storyteller, striking a note-perfect mix between observational humour and revealing insights. ★★★★" - Winnipeg Free Press
“There are few Fringe artists with better timing than Bennett, fewer still who can connect so quickly with an audience and tell stories so brilliantly.” - London Free Press
"He’s the real deal – switching from barroom humor to heartstring-tugging emotion on the turn of a dime." - Orlando Sentinel
“Über-Funny and vulnerable — hold on to your panties, Ladies.“ – Montreal Rampage
"How I learned to Hug is endearing, shocking and heart-warming." - Theatre View
“An expert story teller” - Capital Critics Circle (Montreal)
“Bennett sure knows how to weave a yarn.” – Herald Sun (Melbourne)